Perspectivas is the online peer-reviewed bilingual subscription journal of the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI). It features the contributions of Latina/o scholars in theology and religion and serves as a critical resource to stimulate further dialogue and research in theological and religious education. We seek articles that are well-researched, critical, and integral to who we are as Latinas/os.
Perspectivas has become a vehicle to reach a broad audience, including faculty and students, as well as a growing number of churches and other community organizations across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. We expect articles to be academically sound, as well as readable by these broad and diverse audiences.
Perspectivas will conduct double blind peer reviews and will require a minimum of two peer reviews for all articles to be accepted._________________________________________
General guidelines for articles:
The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style. You can access and search the full text of the sixteenth edition of the Chicago Style Manual online
Please use endnotes when citing sources in your article.
Articles are not to exceed 8,000 words.
*We welcome articles in either English or Spanish*
Articles must be submitted online:
When submitting an article to Perspectivas, please also upload the following items:
- An abstract (100 word max.)
- Title
- Anonymized word document of your article
- High-resolution headshot image (300 x 300 pixels)
- Title and Affiliation of author
- Word Count
- Are you able to translate your article? Yes or No
- Do you accept to have your article translated? Yes or No
General guidelines for book reviews:
Book Review Submissions:
Book Reviews are assigned by the editorial team. If you are interested in reviewing a book for this publication please email
Word Count:
- Between 500 and 700 words in length, unless otherwise agreed to in advance by
the Editor
- Submit text and heading as a MS Word (doc, .docx) document double spaced. Use
one inch margins and indent all paragraphs
- Font: 12pt Times New Roman
- Include page numbers in the bottom right corner of each page
- Review heading should be included at the top of your review, flush left and
in Bold font.
* Include the Title, By Author, Press, Year of Publication. Number of pages.
Price following the example below:
- Latino Pentecostals in America: Faith and Politics in Action, By Gastón
Harvard University Press, 2014. 520 pages. $35.00.
- Note: If no price is available, substitute N.P. for the dollar amount.
- Type your Name flush right at the end of your review. Beneath it, include the
name of your institution. No other information will be published.
- Footnotes cannot be included in reviews. If you cite from the book you
are reviewing, insert the page number(s) in parentheses at the end of the
quotation or sentence in which the quoted material appears.
Please submit only previously unpublished material.
Perspectivas: The Journal of the Hispanic Theological Initiative
is a double blind peer-reviewed online interdisciplinary academic publication.
The journal Perspectivas is now accepting submissions year-round. Prospective contributors are encouraged to submit original work on any topic related to Latinx theology, religious thought and traditions, history, biblical studies, or ministry. We are particularly interested in submissions that draw from multiple disciplines (e.g. anthropology, philosophy, sociology, history, literature, political science, cultural and race studies, etc.) and are written from liberationist, decolonial and/or postcolonial perspectives. In the spirit of producing knowledge and doing teología en conjunto, we also welcome the submission of collaborative essays. We encourage contributors to be creative and innovative in their writing.
General guidelines for articles:
The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style. You can access and search the full text of the sixteenth edition of the Chicago Style Manual online
Please use endnotes when citing sources in your article.
Articles are not to exceed 8,000 words.
*We welcome articles in either English or Spanish*
Articles must be submitted online:
When submitting an article to Perspectivas, please also upload the following items:
- An abstract (100 word max.)
- Title
- Anonymized word document of your article
- High-resolution headshot image (300 x 300 pixels)
- Title and Affiliation of author
- Word Count
- Are you able to translate your article? Yes or No
- Do you accept to have your article translated? Yes or No
Book Review Submissions:
Book Reviews are assigned by the editorial team. If you are interested in reviewing a book for this publication please email
General guidelines for book reviews:
Word Count:
– Between 500 and 700 words in length, unless otherwise agreed to in advance by the Editor
– Submit text and heading as a MS Word (doc, .docx) document double spaced. Use one inch margins and indent all paragraphs
– Font: 12pt Times New Roman
– Include page numbers in the bottom right corner of each page
– Review heading should be included at the top of your review, flush left and in Bold font.
* Include the Title, By Author, Press, Year of Publication. Number of pages. Price following the example below:
– Latino Pentecostals in America: Faith and Politics in Action, By Gastón Espinosa. Harvard University Press, 2014. 520 pages. $35.00.
– Note: If no price is available, substitute N.P. for the dollar amount.
– Type your Name flush right at the end of your review. Beneath it, include the name of your institution. No other information will be published.
– Footnotes cannot be included in reviews. If you cite from the book you are reviewing, insert the page number(s) in parentheses at the end of the quotation or sentence in which the quoted material appears.
For any other formatting for the body of the review: The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style. You can access and search the full text of the sixteenth edition of the Chicago Style Manual online